
Looking for nutrient-rich fertilizer #737768

Asked March 06, 2021, 8:23 AM EST

Hello, I started a raised-bed garden last year and used square-foot gardening's "Mel's" mix for my soil. It turned out my compost from Alpha Ridge Garden center in Howard County was lacking nitrogen (as revealed by UD soil test results) and I lost valuable couple of months not realizing it. I am looking for a recommendation on a nitrogen-rich fertilizer/compost and where I may purchase some. I'd prefer to use organic material if possible. Thank you! Sassan

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response

Hi- here is the most current lab report on the Howard Co. compost:

The 1.3% nitrogen content is consistent with other plant-based compost products. Poultry manure products will contain a higher percentage of nitrogen.

We suggest that you use the locally available compost to improve your soil structure and supplement the slow-release nutrients from the compost with organic fertilizers such as cottonseed meal and nitrate of soda.

Please view our web pages on fertilizers, organic matter, and fertilizing vegetables:


Are you able to diagnose the problems with my cucumber plants and egg plants from the pictures attached? Assuming the eggplant issue is flee beetles, I tried powdering them after not seeing results with soapy solution.  They seem to be stunted as well. 
The cucumber issues look to me like downy mildew or powdery mildew. I have not done any kind of treatment on them yet.  imageimageimageimageimageimage

Thank you very much,

On Mar 9, 2021, at 9:21 AM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied June 06, 2021, 7:24 AM EDT

This looks like flea beetle injury to eggplant leaves. It is very unlikely that these plants will grow to full-size and produce a decent harvest. We suggest replacing them with healthy transplants and either protecting them with a row cover or spraying spinosad, neem, or pyrethrum every 7 days until bloom to control flea beetles.

Cucumber symptoms look like they were caused by environmental stress factors (the leaf edge burning looks like possible heat/drought stress). The plants should grow out of it if well cared for. Monitor the plants and send more photos if symptoms change or worsen.


I’m wondering if you can help me identify the problem with my tomato plants and recommend a solution. 
Please see attached. 

Thank you very much,


On Jun 8, 2021, at 10:08 AM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied July 16, 2021, 9:23 PM EDT

The insects and eggs on the underside of the tomato foliage looks like the eggs and nymphs of brown marmorated stinkbugs. The nymphs and adults are sucking insects that suck plant sap from leaves, fruit, buds or blossoms. Remove and destroy the egg masses and nymphs. Crush the egg masses and drop the nymphs into soapy water. Here is more on prevention and control

Leaf spots - There are several common leaf spot diseases that tomatoes can be susceptible to such as early blight and septoria. This looks like septoria but management is the same for both. 

Keep the plants mulched to minimize soil splashing, water at the base and avoid wetting  foliage, prune off the lowest 3-4 leaf branches once plants are well established and starting to develop fruits, and remove infected leaves during the growing season and remove all infected plant parts at the end of the season. Here is more on septoria and early blight



Thank you Marian. This is very helpful. 


On Jul 19, 2021, at 10:20 AM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied July 20, 2021, 9:21 PM EDT

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