
Dwarf Alberta Spruce Health? #737729

Asked March 05, 2021, 4:40 PM EST

Hi! I planted this dwarf alberta spruce last spring and it did pretty well in the summer but definitely got some spider mites mid-summer. It survived okay though and I've been watering it a bit (though not consistently) in the winter. All of a sudden a few weeks ago (after the very cold temperatures we had), a lot of the needles started dropping off, particularly in the back and sides. The front is still fairly green. Any ideas for how to keep it alive still?? Or is it just unhealthy and done?


Denver County Colorado

Expert Response

Hi again, 

Please ignore this response.  Apparently, your question was posted twice accidentally, and I need to clear the question.  

Jeff C, Master Gardener Volunteer Replied March 05, 2021, 7:36 PM EST
Good Morning Ms. Franklin,
Alberta Spruce needle drop is not unusual; an excellent Horticulture Fact Sheet on the topic out of Purdue University explains some various reasons for needle drop; The article goes on to explain that the most common cause for needle drop is simply natural causes. Needles will stay on a spruce tree for 2-3 years before dropping, typically from the inside of the tree and on older branches. Environmental factors can influence this cycle as well; for example, a tree that is under stress from things like drought, soil compaction or excessive moisture will enhance needle drop. Trees that were exposed to too much water last year may be exhibiting stress in the form of browning/needle drop for the first time this spring; visible needle damage is often not instantaneous.
Spruce needle photos show various ’needle problems’ to assist you in identifying what might be the cause of your Alberta Spruce’s needle loss in this article from the Missouri Botanical Gardens: “Hot” links within each diagnosis paragraph then lead the reader to second articles providing both organic and /or integrated Pest Management strategies. for various the pests or diseases.

I hope you find the above helpful.

Colorado Master Gardener, Denver County Replied March 07, 2021, 10:40 AM EST

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