What type of bush or tree would you recommend? - Ask Extension
We have a corner of our house in front that has a brick edge and needs a bush or some type of plant like an arbovitae to soften it. What do you rec...
What type of bush or tree would you recommend? #735940
Asked December 30, 2020, 4:44 PM EST
We have a corner of our house in front that has a brick edge and needs a bush or some type of plant like an arbovitae to soften it.
What do you recommend? See pictures below where we just removed a Austrian Pine.
What do you recommend? See pictures below where we just removed a Austrian Pine.
Jefferson County Colorado
Expert Response
There are many options that would be great for this location. I am including a few lists of shrubs in this response; the lists provide some description as well as mature heights and widths for the plants.
Xeric trees and shrubs (Table 4): https://extension.colostate.edu/docs/pubs/garden/07229.pdf
Native shrubs: https://extension.colostate.edu/docs/pubs/garden/07422.pdf
And lastly, here is a short overview on growing shrubs in shaded areas: https://planttalk.colostate.edu/topics/trees-shrubs-vines/1718-trees-shrubs-shady-areas/#:~:text=Tre....
Xeric trees and shrubs (Table 4): https://extension.colostate.edu/docs/pubs/garden/07229.pdf
Native shrubs: https://extension.colostate.edu/docs/pubs/garden/07422.pdf
And lastly, here is a short overview on growing shrubs in shaded areas: https://planttalk.colostate.edu/topics/trees-shrubs-vines/1718-trees-shrubs-shady-areas/#:~:text=Tre....