
Deodar Cedar - brown, dying(?) at top #734754

Asked December 02, 2020, 12:29 PM EST

I have a deodar cedar that we planted about 15-17 years ago. It has been brown/dead-looking at the top for the past couple years. We did have the awful drought here in CA a few/couple years back. Wondering what it might be and what , if anything, I can do to stop it from getting worse or what I can to to revive it.

Sacramento County California

Expert Response

Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, we cannot diagnose a plant problem, nor offer an opinion on treatment or viability over the Internet. I suggest you contact your own county Extension service directly for help: You might also consider enlisting a certified arborist to examine the tree: Good luck!
An Ask Extension Expert Replied December 02, 2020, 12:48 PM EST
Thank you for getting back with me. Will call an arborist. 
The Question Asker Replied December 02, 2020, 12:51 PM EST
An Ask Extension Expert Replied December 02, 2020, 12:53 PM EST

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