
Dark Bark and Redish Spots on a Maple Tree #734538

Asked November 27, 2020, 3:56 PM EST

Please see the attached pictures. Not sure what this is, but thought you may know. This is a Red Sunset Maple that has been in the ground for about 10 years.  The bark appears to be almost black with "reddish" spots on it.  Any advice is appreciated.  Thank you.

Fairfax County Virginia

Expert Response

Hello -

It appears that your maple has developed a canker - that is, a fungus that takes control of the tree when the tree is in decline.

Steganosporium ovatum cankers appear as secondary infections on the maple tree - they are black fruiting structures (raised bumps) that cover the tree's bark. The black pustules eventually grow together as the fungus spreads and forms a solid black layer over the bark's surface.

Root rot and branch canker (Nectria cinnabarina or coral spot canker) usually occur with the Steganosporum ovatum fungus. I believe the Nectria cinnabarina is the cause of the orange pink spots you are seeing.

see: (p. 35-36 and Figures 85 and 86)  Cankers develop between late fall and early spring.  Trees stressed by factors such as windstorms, sudden drops in temperature or insect wounds are affected.  Tree growth is not usually impaired and the lesions close over after a good growing season.

Hope this helps.  Carol

An Ask Extension Expert Replied November 30, 2020, 9:38 PM EST

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