
Lime Sulfur spray #734461

Asked November 24, 2020, 8:39 PM EST

A master gardener previously helped me learn that my pear tree has a problem with eriophyid mites. The primary recommendation for treatment I have found is "lime sulfur spray". However, I am having difficulty finding a product to buy. Can you recommend something that is on the market? Or if it is not available any longer, can you help me identify an alternative?
Thank you!

Washington County Oregon

Expert Response

You should be having trouble since they have not manufactured lime sulfur for the home market for many years now. It is still commercially available but in very large quantities. I find it interesting that the product has not been pulled from those sections in our various PNW recommendations. Have a look here at a Washington site that covers home garden only recommendations:

I am not sure how effective the oils will be but you can give it a try.

Jay W. Pscheidt, PhD, Professor Replied November 25, 2020, 9:05 AM EST

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