
No seed pods (nuts) on my beech nut tree #732179

Asked October 26, 2020, 1:02 PM EDT

My purple beech always has nuts, but not this year. Also a street nearby that has locus trees and usually has pods every fall. No pods from any of the trees. Another neighbor said she had no walnuts this year. I know its 2020, but. What is going on. Not complaining. Love not having the beech nuts but.....?

Kent County Michigan

Expert Response

Long-term studies of seed production on copper (or purple) beech show widespread variation among trees and crop years. A positive correlation
between the size of the seed crop and air temperature and
amount of sunshine in July has also been recorded. Fertilization can also affect seed production. In addition, studies in New England
documented higher losses in American beech seed pods from insects,
rodents, and birds combined. Records of seed production by American
beech have shown that there is a great amount of natural
variation, but no geographic or elevational patterns. Like many other
species, the better producers in any particular year will usually
produce good seed crops in other years.

The honey locust usually produces a large fruit crop only every 2-3 years.

There is no clear answer as to why seed production varies so widely from year to year. Some experts believe that a tree that produces an unusual abundance of seeds is declining and produces more seeds in an effort to reproduce itself. But, again, no clear answer.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied October 27, 2020, 11:00 AM EDT

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