
Alot of these bugs on my balcony sitting on wall and window #730416

Asked October 13, 2020, 2:25 PM EDT

How to kill and prevent them from coming back.

Fulton County Georgia

Expert Response

What you have are kudzu bugs. They are an invasive species that attack legume plant species. Since most legume plants are dying back now (especially kudzu) they are looking for a place to hibernate. They are also now a common nuisance pest that invade homes in the fall just before winter. The also have an odor when caught or killed.

If they are on plants, you can place a container of soapy water under them and disturb the plant. The bugs will play dead, fall into the soapy water and die. If they get inside, a vacuum is best to remove them, but do not use your regular vacuum. it will spread the odor. It is best to use a wet/dry shop vacuum and to place soapy water in the bottom to contain the bugs and the odor.

To prevent them from getting inside, you need to seal as many cracks and crevices on your structure as possible. Make sure window screens and soffit and peak vent screens are intact.

Kudzu bugs can be killed with most insecticides labeled for the site they are infesting. If you spray around your home, make sure the product is labeled for structural use. Most products will have a week or two residual activity depending on exposure to the elements.

There is no way to prevent them from returning. You just have to deal with them as they return. I have included some links on kudzu bugs below:

If you want more information, you can contact your extension specialists in Georgia. A link is listed below:
Dan Suiter would be your contact.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied October 13, 2020, 3:51 PM EDT

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