
Best way to get rid of fescue bunch grass? #729724

Asked October 09, 2020, 1:41 PM EDT

We had our lawn hydroseeded this spring at our new home in semi-rural Ottawa County.  The grass ended up being very lush in the rear where the terrain is lower and there is more shade by trees.  However, the front apparently did not receive enough water and a bunch grass grew and became prominent.  I did some checking online and it appears to be a fescue type grass.  It does not grow as fast as the other grass.  It may have been a coincidence but the bunch weed turned brown after the lawn was treated with weed control in late August.   But I don't know if the bunch grass just went dormant for the winter.  I have noticed this bunch grass to be common in open lots and even in some lawns.
First of all, are you able to identify this type of noxious grass?  Next, we would like to remove as much of this as possible.  We could go through the expense and inconvenience to dig up the lawn next spring and reseed but we are hoping we can remove most of it without the extreme measure of starting all over.  The bunch grass is so common it will be impossible to remove it by hand.  I have heard of a specific herbicide called TFC (chlorsulfuron) which is supposed to be able to kill fescue bunchgrass.  Do you have any suggestions for us?
Thank you!


Ottawa County Michigan

Expert Response

Thanks for the question. Unfortunately the pictures do not show enough definition to make an identification. If you could pull a "bunch" roots and all and send some close up photos, it would help.   If you could find a sample that is still viable, that would even be better. Take a look at the MSU turf grass weed page. It can give you an idea of what details are needed to help identify this pesky weed. It would also be a benefit to know what you used for weed control.
I look forward to your response,

An Ask Extension Expert Replied October 10, 2020, 6:51 PM EDT
Hi Barry,
I have attached 3 more pictures...hopefully they help you.  I have asked our landscaper what chemical was used.  The additional pictures are from the edge of the backyard where the grass is lush without the problem.  It is moist in back and this is only bunchgrass that is still green.  The browned out bunchgrass does not seem dead since it shows no sign of shriveling up.
Thank you!
The Question Asker Replied October 12, 2020, 11:30 AM EDT
You are probably correct about this being tall fescue. It is my understanding that TFC is no longer on the market. There is one product (may not be available to homeowner) with the active ingredient sulfosulfuron that can be applied on established Kentucky Bluegrass to eliminate tall fescue but takes several applications and is expensive. A good alternative is to spot treat with glyphosate.  You can also dig the clumps out.

I hope this is helpful, 
An Ask Extension Expert Replied October 12, 2020, 7:20 PM EDT

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