
Sick apple #729166

Asked October 06, 2020, 6:15 PM EDT

Hello! I am trying to find and identity and remedy for this sick apple tree. Its done this for 2 years now. I have picked all apples off the ground so far and removed from the property. Is there a way to make sure this doesn't happen again next year?

Washington County Oregon

Expert Response

The apples area affected by Apple Scab, a common disease of apples here in Western Oregon. It's impossible to totally avoid the disease due to environmental conditions (temperature and moisture/ rain, dew and fog) beyond the gardener's control.

Managing the disease requires several cultural activities plus an annual spray. As previously said, this won't avoid the disease but should decrease the incidence and severity.

Cultural activities:
- The fungus survives from one year to the next, thus all fallen apples and leaves must be collected and discarded.
- Prune to open the canopy to good air circulation.

You didn't mention which apple you have, but the following are most susceptible to scab: Red Delicious, Rome Beauty, Jonathan, Winesap, Granny Smith, Gala, Summerred, Jersey Mac, also Crabapples.
- Some apples have good resistance, among them Akane (Tokyo Rose), Chehalis, Liberty, Prima, and Tydeman Red.
- Apples with intermediate resistance include Jonagold, Macoun, Melrose, Spartan, and King.

Several pesticide sprays are available to home gardeners; choose one:
- Bonide Captan 50 WP or Spectracide Immunox Multi-Purpose Fungicide Spray Concentrate for Gardens.

Or consider hiring a Pest Control Company which sprays fruit trees as they have more choices than do home gardeners.

Publications which may be helpful to you:
- Training and Pruning Your Home Orchard:
- Pruning to Restore an Old, Neglected Apple Tree:

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