
Dogwood Leaf Issue #723969

Asked September 14, 2020, 6:40 PM EDT

Hello, our dogwood has wilted leaves with brown spots. What is wrong with it and how do we need to treat it? Thank you!

Clackamas County Oregon

Expert Response

The dogwood's brown tissues between the leaf veins are classic symptoms of a water shortage.

Dogwoods need water throughout our dry dry months. Water deeply to at least 8 inches every 3 weeks. One way to do that is to encircle the tree with a soaker hose, begin halfway between the trunk and the dripline, and spiral outward until you are a foot or more beyond the dripline.

Watering the lawn is inadequate for a tree.

Consider adding a 3-inch deep mulch of wood chips, extending from the trunk to a foot beyond the dripline.

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