Sick Lily of the Valley - Ask Extension
I have a small patch of Lily of the Valley in an east facing bed in front of my house. It had been doing well, but last last few weeks the leaves hav...
Sick Lily of the Valley #721380
Asked September 06, 2020, 11:42 AM EDT
I have a small patch of Lily of the Valley in an east facing bed in front of my house. It had been doing well, but last last few weeks the leaves have been getting rusty patches progressing to completely rusty and dying. I have some variegated hosta near by that I diagnosed with sun damage as we removed a large shrub that had been shading the area. Is this a symptom of sun damage in the Lily of the Valley or should I be worried about fungus?
Thank you so much and best regards,
Hennepin County Minnesota
Expert Response
It maybe anthracnose which is not fatal. That quite often shows up around this time of year depending on weather conditions. Personally my plants start to die back this time of year every year and they have been there for probably 20+ years and going strong. I fined them next to impossible to kill even when I try.. They soon will be dormant and probably come back just fine next year.
Hi Barbara,
Thank you so much for the response and reassurance. One more question, I am replanting some hosta that have been given to me. The foliage is quite damaged from slugs? not sure, tiny holes all over all the leaves. Wondering if I can cut it off and compost it and plant the roots or this time of year do they need what's left of the leaves for root health?
Thank you so much for the response and reassurance. One more question, I am replanting some hosta that have been given to me. The foliage is quite damaged from slugs? not sure, tiny holes all over all the leaves. Wondering if I can cut it off and compost it and plant the roots or this time of year do they need what's left of the leaves for root health?
Leave the leaves on to help provide nutrients to the root. In fact, leave them on all winter and in the spring they will have disappeared or maybe just a thin film that crumbles and blows away, I never trim the leaves on my hostas. One less chore to do.
Awesome! Thank you again for all your help.