
Beautiful but Unknown Shrubbery #719565

Asked August 31, 2020, 5:35 PM EDT

We’ve identified most of the plants at our new house, but we haven’t figured out what these are yet. We have a row of them next to our house. Almost all of the foliage is bronze, but there are a few green fronds. They also have these flowers, which have mostly faded at this point. I’ve taken a broad, wide photo, a close-up of the leaves, and a photo of how the stem comes out of the ground.

Dakota County Minnesota

Expert Response

Great work identifying your new plants! The shrubs are Ninebark, a versatile deciduous shrub that is popular for it's vivid leaf colors. Read more about them here:
Toni Hauser Replied September 03, 2020, 11:47 AM EDT
Thank you! Appreciate the help. Now we’ll know how to care for these properly.
The Question Asker Replied September 03, 2020, 8:44 PM EDT

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