
Oak Tree Problem #717297

Asked August 25, 2020, 9:25 AM EDT

Big oak tree had tiny dark brown pellets falling onto our deck. Not bugs. The tree shows leaves been stripped off some branches. Lots of pellets falling everyday

Henrico County Virginia

Expert Response

The droppings on the deck look like caterpillar frass (poop).  The leaf portions that are on the deck have the rounded eaten appearance from caterpillars.

There are many fall caterpillars that are on oak trees.  Without seeing the caterpillar, I couldn't guess which one it is.  No control is recommended. 
Ed Olsen Replied August 25, 2020, 9:41 AM EDT
Just saw these caterpillars on my deck
The Question Asker Replied August 25, 2020, 9:53 AM EDT
I asked our entomologist at Virginia Tech to ID it for you, in case you were curious. Here is the identification:


CONTRACTED DATANA (Datana contracta Walker)


Insects or Mites


Minor defoliator of oaks and other trees. Too late for control when over 1/2 long. Treat when first found.


Ed Olsen Replied August 26, 2020, 8:50 AM EDT

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