
how to get rid of florid flies? #717191

Asked August 24, 2020, 6:37 PM EDT

Several months ago I asked your help and it was determined that my problem was FLORID FLIES. Now the problem is worse than ever. I have 2 cats and the flies love to land on their wet food and manage to find any liquid to hover over! I live in an apartment on the ground floor, and have no other pest problems -- not even ants, or roaches or mice. When the exterminator came for a routine inspection I told him about the florid flies and he suggested pouring boiling water and then bleach down the kitchen and bathroom sinks. Is this a good remedy? If so, how often do I need to repeat it? What else can I do on my own? The management at this apt. complex is not very caring so I'm asking for your help. I'm on the ground floor but It's not like there's any obvious water problems. Please advise.

Baltimore County Maryland

Expert Response

It would be really helpful if you could get a photo of these creatures. Perhaps as they hover and land on the cat's wet food? Or with the use of sticky tape?
You can try the boiling water for drain clean out, but a better option may be an enzymatic drain cleaner, which can be found at larger hardware or big box stores.

It sounds as if you narrowed your search down from your last question to phorid flies.
Here is the link again:
You will note that they "breed in decaying organic matter of plant or animal origin" and if you have "extremely large numbers of phorid flies on the first floor of a structure may indicate a broken drain or sewer line under the structure".
If you have a ton, you should let your apartment manager know.


As requested, I've attached a few photos but they don't seem very good to me. If I can't get them under control soon, I will call maintenance. Maybe there is something wrong underground. These things are quite a nuisance!

A friend said something about a baking powder mixture in the drain (I didn't make a note).  Have you heard of that?  
The Question Asker Replied September 04, 2020, 4:07 PM EDT
We cannot identify the flies from the photos.  We need in focus photos.  Search flies on our website. Look at drain flies, flies, fruit flies and others. 

There are many products for cleaning out drains, but drains are not the primary source of phorid flies and we do not have any particular products we can recommend.

If you have cleaned out drains and can find no organic matter that phorid flies could breed in (including dead mice in the walls, etc.), and you still think you have phorid flies, then by all means call maintenance and have them be sure there is not a sewer pipe leak (see link above in our first reply.) 


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