
What is eating my Iris leaves? #716697

Asked August 23, 2020, 4:20 PM EDT

Last year and now this year in mid-summer something has started eating my Iris leaves. Last year, it destroyed them and only about half of the bulbs came back this year. Last year, a local nursery said it was slugs, but the slug bait hasn’t solved the problem. I’ve looked for bugs, but do not see any under the leaves. My once lush Iris bed is being gobbled up. What can I do to save them?

Washington County Oregon

Expert Response

Thank you for the images. They reveal that caterpillars made the chewing damage at the edge of the leaves. 

However, that damage is old, perhaps even months old. The clue to that decision is the pale to white edge to each damaged area.

Further, it's difficult to believe that such limited damage would kill an iris. Something else may be occurring.
The plants appear a bit floppy. How many hours of sunlight do they receive each day?

Please send an image or two which reveals both the iris and their surroundings.

I look forward to seeing your new images.

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