
Hot pepper farming yields #715489

Asked August 19, 2020, 9:30 PM EDT

Hello, My name is David Drangeid, and I own a start-up chile pepper company in Longmont Colorado called Bolder Super Hot. I am looking for information regarding crop yields of habanero and super hots, such as Bhut Jolokia and trinidad scorpions. Are you able to provide information or point me in the direction I can find it, please? I am interested in expectations of yield in pounds per plant of as many varieties as I can get. I am also interested in field vs. greenhouse growing on yields, heat, length of season, and fruit quality.
Any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Boulder County Colorado

Expert Response

Hello David. This is Mike Bartolo, Vegetable Crops Specialist with CSU. I work with peppers.  I normally expect about 1.5 lbs of fruit per plant. That of course depends on the variety but is a conservative estimate.  Feel free to contact me on my office phone at<personal data hidden> and we can discuss things in greater detail.
Best Regards,
An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 21, 2020, 12:41 PM EDT

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