
Yellow leaves on Yoshino Cherry tree #713188

Asked August 14, 2020, 8:12 AM EDT

My Yoshino Cherry tree has developed yellow leaves this August (2020). They are found on the third of branches closest to the trunk. Most of them over the past week have fallen off and there are few left on the tree. Some of the leaves have brown spots, but not all. Can you tell me what is causing these yellow leaves and what I can do to cure my tree? Thanks.

Wayne County Michigan

Expert Response


I am sorry to hear about your Yoshino Cherry.   Yoshino Cherry (Prunus x yedoensis) grows in U.S. Hardiness zone 5 through 8. It prefers sun to partial shade and moist well drained soil. When it is mature, it can tolerate drought but should have constantly moist soil.

Yoshino cherry is susceptible to many pests and diseases.  Aphids, scale, spider mites, leaf-eating caterpillars, tent caterpillars and borers are some of the pests that attack the tree.  Disease include leaf spot, twig cankers, mildews, blights and rot. Here is a link to the most common diseases.

Yellowing of the leaves or chlorosis can be caused by a lack of iron in the soil. This yellowing tends to start at the edge of the leaf to the center. It would appear that your tree has a leaf spot and perhaps chlorosis but it is difficult to make a diagnosis from the picture. You could contact the the MSU Plant and Pest Diagnostic Lab and arrange to send a sample for analysis. Go to:  to learn how to submit pictures and samples. 

 You could also contact a certified arborist to advise you. Go to:  the website of the International Society of Arboriculture to find an arborist in your area.

Good luck with your cherry.

Thank you for contacting Ask an Expert.


An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 18, 2020, 12:44 PM EDT

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