
Planting Zoysia Grass Seed vs Plugs in Southern Maryland #709777

Asked August 05, 2020, 12:33 PM EDT

Dear UMD Gardening Experts,

1) Why is it recommended to plant Zoysia grass using plugs instead of seeds?

2) If I want to plant Zoysia grass using seed, what should I expect?

3) Are there any recommendations for planting Zoysia seed (particularly in Southern Maryland)?

4) Is there any reason I would have trouble planting Zoysia seed in Southern Maryland? I have attached my soil analysis results if that helps make recommendations.

Thank you!

St. Mary's County Maryland

Expert Response

Hi Eddie -
Planting zoysia from seeds is multiple times more difficult than growing cool-season seeds like fescue. Zoysia seed is hard to find because the plants do not produce much seed and the seeds are tougher to harvest and because there isn't a big market for it.

Zoysia seeds are very small and you can't see them once they are planted. They should be mixed with an organic fertilizer to "bulk up" so that the seed doesn't all run out of the spreader too quickly. Also, because it takes ~2 months for a seeded variety like 'Zenith' to grow in, you have to plant in the spring or early summer which means you will be competing with crabgrass and broadleaf weeds that like to germinate then -- and also then you will be battling a high evaporation rate. To combat this, it's often recommended to apply a Ronstar pre-emergent, which is a pro product usually not sold to homeowners and it is very expensive. Plus, you have to be very dialed in with your irrigation/water management.

In addition, the odds of getting a perfect, 100% stand of grass the first time you seed are low, so you have to plan on "spot re-seeding."

For all these reasons, establishing zoysia by vegetative means (sod, plugs) is recommended instead of using seeds. Sod is really the ideal way to go, but it is rather pricey. That said, you could think about it as a 15- to 20-year investment -- more up-front cost, but a more hassle-free lawn once it is in place.

To summarize, you can plant 'Zenith' seed, but you have to be willing to deal with weeds and really "baby" it along for 2 months and likely will have to do spot seeding.

This fact sheet goes into further detail about establishing and maintaining zoysia.

Thank you for the advice Christa!! much appreciated!
The Question Asker Replied August 10, 2020, 8:56 PM EDT

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