
Mature Spartan Junipers care #705279

Asked July 25, 2020, 5:03 PM EDT

I would like to ask about care for mature Spartan Juniper in Denver area. I have questions about care and pests.
The Junipers are about 15ft planted in a row of 7, as as screen. in a slightly slopped area  The soil is clay and I would like to know if soil aeration would be a good practice. In addition, what type of soil amendment and mulch are recommended. I have noticed that some of the internal branches are loosing the needles and some outside needle tips are getting yellow turning brown. I found some fine webbs  in some tree areas that I spray with pressure water. Could spider mites be the cause of the browining tips or could be something else?  I appreciate your response.

Adams County Colorado

Expert Response

Hello, and thank you for contacting Adams County Master Gardeners. I need to ask a few more questions and also ask you to send in a picture of the entire tree and the base of the tree, and a picture of a few of them that is taken farther away. Another close up of a branch that is having problems would also help, as the one that was sent is not too clear. Although this type of Juniper has low water needs when fully established it still needs some additional water during drought periods, which has been the case now for several years. You can tell how compacted your soil is and how dry by pushing a long screwdriver into it. If it is very compacted it will be difficult to do.
I have included some links to reading that will help you care for your junipers. You should definitely mulch around the bottom of all the trees with a couple of inches of bark mulch. This will increase moisture and also reduce compaction. You can also aerate several feet away from the tree but you need to be careful to not injure the roots. Does water run off the slope of the trees when you water them?  Did you notice any green tip growth earlier in the season? From the one picture you sent it does look like the tips were nipped by the late frost and snow that our area received. Our tree damage was severe this last winter from several incidents that happened. The trees were preparing to make new growth and were not ready for the hit they received. This could be the reason for the tip browning, however these types of Junipers can also have fungal type of diseases which can cause problems that can be similar. If you can take more pictures of your trees it would be helpful. I doubt if the spider webs or spider mites would cause this damage, although I included information on spider mites as well. Can you let us know if you water them regularly, how often, and how? I have also included information on how much to water trees during drought periods.

Adams County Master Gardener Replied August 10, 2020, 2:14 PM EDT

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