Might these be safe to eat? - Ask Extension
At the edge of the forest behind my house in Forest Hill there is a very long row of what I believe are raspberries. I've attached pictures. Assuming ...
Might these be safe to eat? #702444
Asked July 18, 2020, 5:11 PM EDT
At the edge of the forest behind my house in Forest Hill there is a very long row of what I believe are raspberries. I've attached pictures. Assuming these haven't been treated with a herbicide then are they safe to eat? I just don't to eat a "look alike" and regret it.
Harford County Maryland
Expert Response
Hi- this is wineberry, an exotic invasive bramble that displaces native plants. They are safe to eat- the fruit quality is excellent. We recommend that you harvest them thoroughly and then destroy the plants to prevent their spread.