
Black Spots on Bell Pepper Plant Stems #700895

Asked July 14, 2020, 8:55 PM EDT

Hi MSU Extension, Recently, all of my pepper plants in my backyard have developed black spots where the off shoot meets the main stem (see attached picture). Do you know what could be causing this and what is the best course of treatment (if any is necessary)? Thanks for any help you can provide, Best Regards, Ben

Kent County Michigan

Expert Response

Thanks for the question. Although it is not unusual to have some discoloring of stems especially at the joints (sometimes more purple). This seems to be the case. Black streaks and lesions forming on the stem along with wilting or yellowing of the plant may indicate plant diseases such as phytophthora or fusarium. If the plant is other than we can help diagnose the problem. Pictures would be helpful.
I hope this helps
An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 15, 2020, 6:23 PM EDT

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