
Apple Tree Issues #682500

Asked March 03, 2021, 1:21 PM EST

Good Afternoon, My husband and I are wondering if there might be something wrong with our Apple tree. We bought our house in 2019 and each year we have had holes in most of our Apples. Plus the bark looks sad. If you might be able to help us that would be greatly appreciated. We have a few more pictures if you would like them. Thanks, Jen

Yellow Medicine County Minnesota

Expert Response

Based on the appearance of the apple you've photographed, the mummified apples remaining on the tree, and the bark appearance, my guess is that this tree has a major infection of black rot.  Black rot can be managed by proper pruning and good sanitation, but, judging by your photographs, this tree has seen neither.

Unless you have some particular reason to save the tree, I'd recommend taking it out.  You could also have an arborist look at it and give you a second opinion:

If you do take it out and replant another apple, be sure to follow the precautions in the article I referenced above.

Dennis in St. Louis Park Replied March 03, 2021, 4:15 PM EST

Here is a few more pictures of the tree and the apple issue.  

The Question Asker Replied March 03, 2021, 11:34 PM EST

This apple tree was in this horrible condition when we bought our house.  Thanks for responding.  

The Question Asker Replied March 03, 2021, 11:39 PM EST

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