
. Its brown and has a checkered pattern in black. Is it a garter snake, dekays brown snake, or is it something else. #682094

Asked February 28, 2021, 12:40 PM EST

I found a snake and I don't know what it is please tell me. I have been holding it and need to know if it is venous.

Lincoln County Georgia

Expert Response

Hi Mackenzie,

The snake in your photo is an adult Brownsnake, scientific name Storeria dekayi. It is a non-venomous species. 

There are several subspecies of brownsnake. Based on your location in Georgia, this is the Midland Brownsnake, Storeria dekayi wrightorum.

Maximum length for this species is approximately 18 inches and typical length is approximately 12 inches.

They are found in both hardwood and pine forests, and can be found in dry areas of swamps, in floodplains and creek bottoms. They are also very common in urban settings, and are frequently found in gardens living under mulch, pine straw or fallen leaves. They can also be found living in tall grass.

They feed primarily on earthworms and slugs, but will also eat snails, spiders, insects, and even small salamanders.

If you are interested in a field guide for snakes in your area, this is an excellent reference:

Gibbons, Whit. (2017). Snakes Of The Eastern United States. Athens: The University of Georgia Press.

I hope this answers your question, and thank you for contacting Ask Extension.


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