
Elevated garden bed #681360

Asked February 21, 2021, 2:12 PM EST

Two years ago I purchased an elevated garden bed. The planting depth is 10”. I filled it with potting soil and compost also used mulch on top. I have not had much success except for growing carrots. My tomatoes and cucumbers had a very small yield and towards mid season leaves started turning brown. What can I plant at the depth of this planter? How should I refresh my soil? Fertilize? I am having difficulty finding resources for this type of elevated garden. Also the garden faces west and has full sun. I would appreciate any resources you might have.

Washington County Minnesota

Expert Response

A number of conditions could cause the small yield and browning leaves on your cucumbers and tomatoes. See the below link for information on cucumber problems. It includes photos that might help you identify the issue:

If you determine that your vegetables have suffered from blight, you should replace all of the soil in the elevated bed in the spring; otherwise, adding about 1/3rd new soil should be sufficient. A combination of potting soil and compost works well. Add fertilizer a week or so before planting your vegetables.

You might have more success with compact vegetable varieties, such as ‘Tumbling Tom’ tomatoes, in your beds. For more information about elevated garden beds, including several answered questions, see:

This may be a good resource for you.

Remember to monitor soil moisture, and don’t let the elevated beds dry out completely. They are subject to sun and wind from all sides, unlike plants located in the ground.

We wish you a successful crop this year in your elevated beds.

Diane M Replied February 22, 2021, 12:25 PM EST

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