
What animal is digging in my yard #679705

Asked January 31, 2021, 11:55 AM EST

Hello, There is an animal/animals that appears to be digging holes in our planters over the winter. I noticed at the end of summer we had one or two holes in the planters but have noticed more over the winter and dirt has been thrown out of the planter. The weed protecting liner we applied to the bottom of the planter has also been torn up. I suspect the animal ate some of the roots to our cucumber plants. I have attached some photos. They appear to be about 6 inch holes in diameter. We live in a suburb next to a bunch of trees with a large squirrel population and across the street from a nature preserve. I have not seen any skunks or moles. One morning I did see a mouse run across from a neighbors yard but I have not seen any animals near our planters over the winter. If you identify the animal can you recommend a safe way to get rid of them. We would like to grown organic vegetables this year and ideally not have to get rid of the planters. Thank you for any help you can provide. Please let me know if additional pictures would help.

Wayne County Michigan

Expert Response

Brian, thanks for the question.  Squirrels are the most likely critters to do such digging in the winter. For some reason they seem to like raised beds. Physical barriers like chicken wire can help as can repellants (deer repellants can work)

I hope this helps,

An Ask Extension Expert Replied January 31, 2021, 4:12 PM EST

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