
growing paw paw tree in Minnesota #679502

Asked January 28, 2021, 11:30 AM EST

Hi-- I've been reading a lot about the paw paw tree and I wondered if there were any varieties better suited for a Minnesota climate (zone 4b). I have seen it listed down to Zone 5, so I wondered if there was a specific variety that might have a better chance in MN. Thanks!

Ramsey County Minnesota

Expert Response

Sorry, but I know of no paw paw tree varieties that are surviving and thriving in zone 4 in Minnesota. Even if the trees would survive, it’s unlikely that our summer season is long enough for the fruit to grow. I also consulted an expert at the University of Minnesota who studies new tree species in Minnesota due to climate change.  He responded that he doesn’t anticipate paw paw trees growing anytime soon in Minnesota.  See the below links for more information, but, unfortunately, it looks as though you'll need to find another tree to plant.

Diane M Replied January 29, 2021, 2:22 PM EST

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