Damage to bark - Ask Extension
We are trying to decide if this bark has been damaged by the woodpecker.
Damage to bark #679184
Asked January 19, 2021, 8:10 AM EST
We are trying to decide if this bark has been damaged by the woodpecker.
Anne Arundel County Maryland
Expert Response
This looks like sapsucker (type of woodpecker) damage on the branches.
The birds drill the holes to feed on the tree sap and insects that are attracted to the sap. Mature trees/shrubs can tolerate damage from sapsucker feeding and continue to grow fine for years. Occasionally in severe cases, the damage can lead to limb and trunk girdling which may kill the tree. Here is our webpage about sapsucker damage, which does include some preventive measures. https://extension.umd.edu/hgic/topics/woodpeckers-and-sapsuckers