
actinovate #679077

Asked January 12, 2021, 5:48 PM EST

I have 6 small raised beds and have used actinovate to help control fungus both in ground and through leaves. Ground drench and foliar spray. There does not seem to be any supply of small amounts available (2 oz). Is there a problem? Large amounts at large prices exist. Is there a biological alternative?

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response

As a biological pesticide (in this case, for pathogen control), Actinovate may have limited availability due to a range of reasons; we are not aware of any of the manufacturer's specific reasons for their package sizes for this particular product. In general, container volumes may be determined by how shelf-stable the product is (with very large volumes likely restricted for or intended for use by agricultural applicators), cost assessments for retail sale potential, and how far the product is intended to go (for example, if doses are small, a smaller container of concentrate will still last awhile and may expire before depletion when in a larger size). The manufacturer's or a distributor's website for this product line may indicate what volume packages it is available in; they may also list sources for purchase.

Other options for pathogen control depend on what issues you have had with prior crops and which crops you intend to grow any given year. When feasible, crop rotation can help reduce disease, though in home or community gardens this may not be as effective if the beds are situated near each other. If you have particular challenges, we can help you determine what treatment alternatives might be most appropriate and how best to avoid diseases with minimal pesticide intervention (organic or otherwise).


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