Split bark on maple tree #675509
Asked September 22, 2020, 11:50 AM EDT
All County Minnesota
Expert Response
Maple trees have very thin bark and splitting is quite common. You can wrap the trees for additional winter protection. See the website:
The white areas are visible but I cannot enlarge them enough to identify it. It could be fungi, scale or even lichen. Could you send a closeup? See:
An onsite inspection by a certified tree professional may also help identify the white areas and also help to determine if the split needs trimming to prevent invasion by insects and fungi. See:
Below is a close up photo of the “white stuff” in the split areas of the bark on my maple tree. What is it?
These appear to be shelf fungi. They are an indication of sapwood rot. If this is a high value tree, a tree professional is needed to do an onsite inspection and determine the extent of damage under the bark. See: