
Pruning Honey Crisp Apple tree #671926

Asked August 02, 2020, 3:33 PM EDT

I planted a honey crisp apple tree in my yard 2 years ago. I've got about 15 good sized apples growing on it today (8/2/20). When, if I should at all, prune this tree? If I prune, how much do I prune? Thanks!

St. Louis County Minnesota

Expert Response


Thank you for contacting Ask an Expert.

Here is the response provided by Annie Klodd, Extension Educator - Fruit and Vegetable Production / University of Minnesota Extension....

Pruning should be done in the winter. Newly planted trees, like a tree that is only 2 years old, should not have to be pruned very much because they're still so small. Here is our 3-part video series that describes how and when to prune: 

Hope this helps.

Jackie Froemming - MS, MA Replied August 03, 2020, 2:11 PM EDT

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