
Leaning Dracaena #670748

Asked July 30, 2020, 12:44 PM EDT

This plant is healthy and has new growth but has always been leaning. It is about 4 1/2 ft. from the soil line to the top. Is this a problem that needs to be addressed? Thank you!

Baltimore City County Maryland

Expert Response

That is a lovely Dracaena, congratulations.
The leaning is not at all a problem that you need to address, but if it bothers you we have suggestions.
First off, it may be leaning because it is trying to get more light. If you were to move it closer to the window it would try to stand up straighter. To keep it straighter, rotate the pot occasionally. 
You could also encourage a more upright growth by inserting a bamboo stake into the pot and loosely tying the plant to it.
Finally, these plants are not difficult to propagate. If you wanted, you could cut off the outer most stalk nearest to the pot's rim, and insert it into the soil, which will start to grow again and have the added benefit of being shorter and covering the "bare leg" of the other stalk.
Again tho, the plant is just fine, so you could just enjoy it as it is.


Thank you, Christine!

The Question Asker Replied July 31, 2020, 8:29 PM EDT

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