White pine needles and new growth brown - Ask Extension
Planted 15 white pine trees all about 3-4 years old. Have been watering but some are turning brown. Is it because not enough water or another issue??
White pine needles and new growth brown #670081
Asked July 28, 2020, 7:52 PM EDT
Planted 15 white pine trees all about 3-4 years old. Have been watering but some are turning brown. Is it because not enough water or another issue??
Wayne County Pennsylvania
Expert Response
Thanks for your question.
It's not unusual for white pines to exhibit signs of stress after being transplanted. One of the most common signs of this stress is browning of the needles. Once their roots are fully functional again that should pass. It could, depending on the soil type, take up to three years.
White pines are fine with full sun conditions, which it seems as though yours have, and can deal with moister conditions than other evergreens. But, having said that, you do need to watch how much water you are giving them. Too much water can also be a stress factor. Newly transplanted white pines should receive approximately 1 inch of water per week for the first year. Even less if they are in clay soil. Over-watering has probably killed more trees than any other factor. We kill them with kindness.
So, my suggestion is watch the water and be patient. There are other potential problems, of course, but there's probably no need to address them at this time. Let's deal with the obvious ones first.
If your pines do continue to decline, please don't hesitate to contact us again.
Thanks, and I hope this helps.