
Maple Tree Borer #669721

Asked July 28, 2020, 9:19 AM EDT

We have maple tree with borer holes into tree and near base there is pile of what looks like sawdust from inside split bark.  After clearing the sawdust and spraying ant spray there is fresh pile of sawdust.  Does this look like borer activity rather than ants?
What insecticide or treatment can we do right away to stop the borer activity?

Macomb County Michigan

Expert Response

It appears that you maple tree may have several issues. The first obvious thing I see is carpenter ant damage (saw dust). Attached is a link to good article on carpenter ants.  Carpenter ants generally do not nest in healthy trees.  They look for moist decaying wood.  Without an entire picture of your tree I can only assume that there is a wound on your tree that holds moisture and is rotting the wood

The second issue is the bore holes.  There are a number of insect that bore holes in maple trees, without a picture of the culprit I cannot identify what maybe causing the holes or how to treat it. I would recommend contacting a certified arborist to come out and take a look at your tree. I'll add a link with info on boring insects for your information. 

An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 03, 2020, 4:22 PM EDT

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