
Found this Bug in my Shower #668220

Asked July 24, 2020, 1:44 PM EDT

Could someone help identify this bug? I found it in my shower this morning. It’s at least 2 inches maybe larger. It was hiding under my removed drain cover, it didn’t get very far as the shower was running. I have never seen evidence of roaches before, I’m worried this is a roach.

Nassau County New York

Expert Response

Hello! I'm an urban entomologist at Cornell stationed here in Suffolk County. Your picture looks very much like a cockroach but I can't tell you what species. I can say it is likely that the roach either came up through the septic system OR it is a Pennsylvania woods roach, which is nothing to worry about since they don't live indoors. If you find another one like it inside a drain or near plumbing, it would be an Oriental cockroach, which are ubiquitous through sewer systems on Long Island. In that case, you might consider calling a plumber to see how your plumbing could be modified to block something like this. They normally can't come up through plumbing because there's a "J" shaped water-filled pipe under each sink, shower and toilet that prevents sewer smells and insects from coming up. 

Please let me know if I can help any further.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 30, 2020, 12:27 PM EDT
Thank you so much! 
I am relieved to know that it is something that can come up through the drains actually. I live in an apartment building so I am always worried about german roaches. I did find what looks like another one two days later. This was on the outside of my building. It was late in the evening and I originally saw it in the threshold of my doorway into the building. Would oriental roaches be outside as well? I have a more detailed picture and a blurry one that shows the size I think. 
You are doing the lords work calming down crazy bug people! I appreciate it. 
The Question Asker Replied July 30, 2020, 12:58 PM EDT
Aahhh! Yes, definitely Oriental roaches. They have naturalized here in spots on Long Island! If you live anywhere near North Merrick schools, they have these guys on their campus and in the summer they are easy to find especially on the side of brick buildings. Basically outside they are harmless and they really don't want to be inside, unless there's a cool dark and wet place to hang out.

I'm glad I could help! 
An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 30, 2020, 1:55 PM EDT

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