
Lilac in trouble #665515

Asked July 17, 2020, 6:20 PM EDT

I moved in our home 4/2018 ... we have 3 Lilacs in our back yard and 1 in our front yard. last fall we did a major cut back due to having been untrimmed for many years. 3 are responding great 1 has brown curled leave all over every new bud opens & goes brown. it is at least 10-12 years old is next to another lilac that has a branch every now and then with brown leaves.

Polk County Oregon

Expert Response

Are you able to send a photo or two? There are some blights of lilac. Look carefully for pests, and tell me a bit more about the location. How much sun? How much irrigation?
They are out in the open and 10+ years in the same space...they are on a drip system for the summer, the one that is cut way down the botanist at our nursery told use to cut down more due to the lack of healthy regrowth, we did the first big trim last fall after they went into hibernation, because they had Not been trimmed is years. The other two are not having any issues and one is 8’ from the ones in the picture. I Do Not see any bugs but I did spray my hibiscus for aphids a few weeks ago so I am sure they got some mist. But before I sprayed I hadn’t seen any.


The Question Asker Replied July 20, 2020, 9:50 PM EDT
They are out in the open and 10+ years in the same space...they are on a drip system for the summer, the one that is cut way down the botanist at our nursery told use to cut down more due to the lack of healthy regrowth, we did the first big trim last fall after they went into hibernation, because they had Not been trimmed is years. The other two are not having any issues and one is 8’ from the ones in the picture. I Do Not see any bugs but I did spray my hibiscus for aphids a few weeks ago so I am sure they got some mist. But before I sprayed I hadn’t seen any.


The Question Asker Replied July 20, 2020, 9:50 PM EDT
No obvious issue jumps out at me. Check the soil moisture, as drip systems need monitoring. The water for an established shrub needs to be occasional and deep rather than a little bit at the surface daily.
The one in the second photo looks mostly dead at this point. Was it very healthy before? If you grab and push or pull that one, is it anchored solidly in the soil? (This is one way to check root health.)
After your reply, I may forward this to another expert in hopes we can offer advice.

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