
Identification - plant in Morey Creek #662530

Asked July 10, 2020, 3:08 PM EDT

Jennifer found the following plant? in Morey Creek, Humboldt County, Nevada.  It is strange-- bubble appearance. Growing on rocks like algae.  Was wondering if they were frog eggs but says they are hollow inside. Anyone know what this is? Please respond to Jennifer directly to her email address.

Humboldt County Nevada

Expert Response

This is a type of algae, but I can not contact her as her email is not included in the question.
Wendy Hanson Mazet Replied July 21, 2020, 8:00 PM EDT
Thanks Wendy...

i sent this over a month ago and was hoping for a more detailed response. Clearly, it’s algae. 

Do you know the type and what causes it? How does it affect the water for livestock. Should I be concerned? Is there a way to prevent it?



The Question Asker Replied July 23, 2020, 2:25 PM EDT
Hi Jennifer,

Unfortunately, I don't have any training in algae, but I did collect a few resources that you can look at as far as animal health and algae. Depending on how you want to control them there are algae tablets approved for livestock drinking water and many people do make a routine of bleach cleaning troughs once a month to prevent the growth.
In most cases I don't think you need to be concerned, but as I said I'm not an expert. I would suggest allowing the tanks to dry out occasionally and cleaning may it be forceful water or bleaching. I have not used the tablets, but I do not have any tanks over 150 gallons that I can not rinse once a month.
I found several articles and a few fact sheets that I think will help you.,or%20even%20your%20horse's%20saliva. 

Wendy Hanson Mazet Replied July 28, 2020, 7:30 PM EDT
Hi Jennifer,

I accidentally just sent you tons of information for water troughs and not for creek purposes. I apologize I was also working on an algae email for horse water trough and mixed up my screens.
Unfortunately, I have not been able to find anything that helps identify algae in western creeks. You are seeing plants and not frog or toad eggs. Those can be easily identified and in most cases will be found in slow-moving or ponding areas more so than a moving stream.
Wendy Hanson Mazet Replied July 28, 2020, 7:39 PM EDT

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