
Tiny bugs on window sill. #661803

Asked July 09, 2020, 8:01 AM EDT

I live in Germany and a couple of weeks ago we started finding dozens of tiny black bugs on the window sill. I sprayed them, they all died then I cleaned the window sill, but the next morning they were back again. I don't know what are these and how can I get rid of them permanently.

I hope you can help, 

Thanks a lot in advance! 

County Outside United States

Expert Response

Sorry, but you picture are just not clear enough for me to be certain of the but ID.  I think they may be Thrips ! (

Thrips occasionally invade homes.  They are normally harmless to humans, but they can land on people and produce a bite like sensation .

they may be in your house due to excessive moisture indoors , or because they came in on plants.  Soapy water will kill them!

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