
Blueberry berry disease and treatment #660787

Asked July 06, 2020, 10:07 PM EDT

What is this disease and how should I treat it if it's not too late? I include a picture. This is a cluster of berries on highbush blueberry in my Shoreline, WA backyard. Thank you! Frank Troth

King County Washington

Expert Response


That actually looks like bird damage or some kind of mechanical injury. Here is a link on it:
An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 08, 2020, 1:15 PM EDT
Wow, thanks!  That really looks like it. I've seen just a tiny bit of it in years past but never to this extent, so I just let it pass.  I suspect the robins and/or starlings then, we've had a lot of robins this year.  I don't ever see the birds on the bushes when going around to the side of the house where the several blueberry plants are, but I suppose that's not surprising.  And this damage is just on the highbush variety now and currently ripest.  I will try the reflective ribbon first I think, then the netting if necessary.  Cheers!  Frank
The Question Asker Replied July 08, 2020, 2:45 PM EDT

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