
Help with sick tree #658903

Asked July 02, 2020, 8:16 AM EDT

Hi- We have a tree that has quickly turned sick. The leaves have turned brown, but still soft. Also, the trunk is weeping a thick clear sap. There is an identical tree a few feet away that is still healthy.

Talbot County Maryland

Expert Response

We answered this question under one of your other entries (#658735).
It says:
Unfortunately we don't think that your tree is going to recover and is likely dead.
We can't tell exactly why from our photos, but it could be a combination of factors.
We would consider issues related to any recent construction or changes to the area, the application of certain herbicides over the root area of the tree, which can go much further than the drip-line, and problems including those related to poor planting, mulching (often too deeply) or care:

Usually cherry trees will ooze an amber-colored sap if their bark is damaged in any way. It can be from a mechanical injury or from an insect pest like borers.
Cherry trees in our area area are susceptible to a clearwing borer, which you can read about here: , but this doesn't usually kill a tree quickly.

Thank you. There has been no construction or herbicides/pesticides anywhere near. The ooze is clear. Wasn’t sure if it is some Bactria or fungal... I clipped a few branches and there is a slight browning in the center. 
The Question Asker Replied July 02, 2020, 12:54 PM EDT
Leucostoma canker will also cause oozing.

Both that and the insect borer kill slowly, but the effects can appear to happen quickly this time of year. (And neither can be cured.)

That is because the tree may be able to struggle along well enough in the cool spring when there are regular rains, like we had this year. But then, when hot temperatures hit, as well as dryer weather, the tree must be able to transport much more water to survive, and it cannot. Then you see a very rapid decline.  


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