
Sudden death of Eastern White Pines #658257

Asked June 30, 2020, 4:37 PM EDT

What is causing the death of these trees. Three have died in my yard in the last 2 months. We have had others affected in the same way in past years at different seasons. The progression from first noticing some browning of the needles to complete death of the tree can be as short as a couple of weeks. There are numerous small holes in the bark with sap running out (see attached photos). Most importantly , is there anything I can do to prevent this? Thanks for any help you can provide, Rob Hair

Huron County Michigan

Expert Response

Your trees have white pine blister rust ( There is no fungicide treatment for this disease. Currants or gooseberries are alternate hosts for this rust, and if either plant is nearby, the rust will continue to be an issue. Management involves pruning out affected branches. However, with so much of the tree affected, I would advise against pruning out every branch , or you may hasten the tree's decline.
David Lowenstein Replied July 02, 2020, 9:52 PM EDT
Thanks for your response.  I assume that the holes in the bark are a manifestation of the disease, right?  BTW, the link you provided has apparently been deleted.

I'm unsure of my correct identification of currants or gooseberries so I attached a photo.  Is that a  currant bush?

Thanks again,
Rob Hair
The Question Asker Replied July 07, 2020, 1:37 PM EDT
Correct, the holes in the bark are related to the disease. I've conferred with a colleague about the plant, and it is a honeysuckle.

I apologize for the incorrect link. There was an extra parentheses. This one will work.
David Lowenstein Replied July 08, 2020, 9:47 PM EDT

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