
Spider Bite IDENTIFICATION #657943

Asked June 30, 2020, 4:42 AM EDT

I live in Northren Michigan. Petoskey and attached are what I believe to be spider bites.  I got the 1st 5 days ago and it started off as a bump with 2 puncture marks.  Today it's an open wound a little bigger than a pea. The 2nd one I got yesterday and again bump with 2 puncture marks only these marks are 1/4 inch apart, about twice as far apart as the first. 

Emmet County Michigan

Expert Response

This question is not something g we are qualified to answer. Take a look at the symptoms of bites of black widow and brown recluse On Line using webmd or something similar . These are the two poisonous spiders in Michigan to be concerned about. It this doesn’t fit your case I would consult your doctor (can you do it via teleconference). Or go to a pharmacy and speak to a pharmacist. People react to spider bites differently.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 30, 2020, 1:32 PM EDT

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