
Is this a cherry tree? #657393

Asked June 28, 2020, 11:10 PM EDT

Can you help me determine if this is a cherry tree? It is a tree in the yard behind me (both are rentals) and they are going to waste so if they ARE cherries I would like to harvest them but I want to be SURE they are and it is safe to eat/can them. Thank you.

Multnomah County Oregon

Expert Response

Well, it's certainly a cherry tree, but it's difficult to identify the cultivar.  The flesh of the fruit is edible, but the pit, leaves and twigs contain compounds that can be poisonous. If these are tart cherries, you will likely need to add sugar, but they may be sweet cherries.
Regards and happy gardening! Replied June 29, 2020, 11:56 AM EDT

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