
What kind of insect is this? #657345

Asked June 28, 2020, 8:32 PM EDT

I found this insect, which appears to be some sort of beetle, on the leaves of our pole beans we're growing here in Newberg. I couldn't find any similar insects in various online guides. Can you identify it, and more specifically is it a friend or for to our garden?

Yamhill County Oregon

Expert Response

Thank you for the image.

This is a long-horn beetles, a Judolia species, in the family Cerambycidae. The "long-horn" part of their common name refers to their long-antennae (feelers).  These beetles are sometimes referred to as flower beetles because they visit flowers to feed on pollen, a good source of protein.

This beetle won't damage your garden plants. Their youngsters are borers of stressed or fallen trees.

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