
Something is killing our Fatsia Japonica #656938

Asked June 27, 2020, 6:23 PM EDT

Hello, can you please help me? Many of the leaves on our Fatsia Japonica plants turn yellow and brown and fall off. Photos attached. Thank you, Leslie Ann Butler

Multnomah County Oregon

Expert Response

Thank you for choosing Ask an Expert for help with your fatsia. This tree just looks hungry. If it is a well-established plant, it may have used up the nutrients in its root zone.

I would imagine that it’s the oldest leaves that are yellowing. When not enough nutrients are available in the soil, a tree or shrub will use the nutrients in the oldest leaves to help make new leaves. Then it discards those old leaves.

A couple of applications of a tree and shrub food this season should help. One now and one in a month. Nothing after August, though. After that, once a season is fine.

Have a good gardening year,

Claudia G. Replied June 30, 2020, 11:54 PM EDT

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