
A few years ago I pulled ... #655501

Asked June 24, 2020, 1:27 PM EDT

A few years ago I pulled out all my raspberries because they had white drupelet disorder and raspberry dwarf virus. I covered the patch with black plastic and solarized the soil for 1 year. I added compost etc.. and the soil was in great condition. I bought Nova's which are supposed to be a variety immune to most diseases. Last year the canes were healthy. This year, the record rains must have affected them. Once again, I have the same two diseases. Should I just pull them all out?

Delaware County Ohio

Expert Response

Oh, MY! This certainly shows no good deed goes unpunished. I am SO sorry.
I looked at Michigan State and it suggests to me to pull them out.
Agriculture in Victoria says: Virus diseases are incurable in the field. Infected plants should be destroyed, following identification of the disease organism. The only safeguard against virus infection is to begin with clean plants supplied by an approved plant health scheme.
North Carolina State suggests if you get enough berries and aren't shipping, you can just eat what you get.
Certainly you did everything right. I guess it depends on your level of tolerance and willingness to see if you get anything and want to bet on next spring being drier, better.
I googled white drupelet disorder and raspberry dwarf The EDU is important to get good, research-based, factual info. You might do the same and after reading your fill, decide upon your course of action.

I am sorry not to have a quick and easy answer. Certainly you can't go wrong with removal but if you want to hope for change this year...

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