
How to kill Spider Mites on an indoor Citrus Tree #655496

Asked June 24, 2020, 1:23 PM EDT

My daughter has spider mites on a clementine tree she has been growing for a few years from a seed. She thinks they came into her home about a year ago on a fern that was infested. She has moved the fern outside and will get rid of it this fall, but would really like to keep the clementine tree which is now about 4 ft. tall and seems pretty healthy. What can she do to get rid of the mites? Will they spread to other house plants? She has some succulents, clovers and wandering Jew (spiderwart?). Also, is it true that even if you get rid of the plants, you shouldn't buy new ones for at least a year or two or new ones will get the mites when you put them in your home? She says she sees webs on the other plants and even on fake flowers. Are those from spider mites? Or maybe other spiders? Thank you for your help.

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

Webbing on other plants indicate the spider mites have infested other plants too. Have your daughter take all the plants outside and spray them down with a strong spray of water. Once they dry she should then spray them with either insecticidal soap or horticultural oil. There a miticides which will work and systemic insecticides which can be absorbed into the plants. If she is hoping for fruit from the citrus plant she should NOT use a systemic. Perhaps the plants can be put in a protected place for a couple days and then sprayed again. Check for spider mites then by putting a piece of white paper below a branch and shake it. If there are still mites, there will be black specs moving around on the paper. Once all the mites are taken care of she can bring them back into the house. 
Barbara, Anoka County MG, TCA Replied June 25, 2020, 2:22 PM EDT

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