Question about tree staking please :) - Ask Extension
Hello, Question! I recently unstaked a tree I got from a nursery after hearing that leaving it staked to long would make it develop a weak trunk and...
Question about tree staking please :) #653942
Asked June 21, 2020, 11:57 AM EDT
Hello, Question! I recently unstaked a tree I got from a nursery after hearing that leaving it staked to long would make it develop a weak trunk and shortly after removing the tree now hunches over 1/2 way up (see photo) should I restake it or will it grow back straight over time?
Fayette County Kentucky
Expert Response
Staking newly planted trees is often not necessary. Purdue Extension has a wonderful publication on this topic that I believe will be very useful in this situation. Here is a link to it, . Please call us at the Fayette County Extension Office at<personal data hidden> for any further questions.