
Brown patches in Zoysia #653737

Asked June 20, 2020, 4:13 PM EDT

Recently my zoysia lawn has been getting lots of clover and weeds, and now there various large and small bare/dead patches. Could this be brown patch disease or fungus? I'm told Montgomery County does not allow pesticides, and I prefer not to use them. But what can I do about this? Thanks for any help! Donna

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

It is doubtful that this is brown patch disease as this disease infects cool-season grasses like tall fescue. The zoysia can be thinning for other reasons. Maybe it needs dethatching and do you fertilize it? This is the time to fertilize warm-season grass. Now and then again in early August. It is still okay to fertilize your lawn in Montgomery County. You can also add additional plugs now too to help thicken it back up.
Please see the following information about zoysia and its care on our website,


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