
What is wrong with my azalea? #650677

Asked June 14, 2020, 10:03 AM EDT

We noticed after it had flowered that our azalea seems to have this weird fungus. Is it something I should be worried about?

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

It looks like you may have a few issues going on with your azaleas.
The white growths are exobasidium leaf galls. They can be pruned off a disposed of in the trash.

The older growth looks very washed out which can be an indication of lace bug feeding. Look on the underside of the leaves for either the insect or small black dots.
Please see the following information from our website,

Thanks very much! We did see evidence of the lace bugs as you said. We pruned the azalea back and see how it recovers.
The Question Asker Replied June 17, 2020, 6:27 PM EDT
Keep looking for those lace bugs. There are many generations of them during the season.

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